Beautiful Bath + Body Products to take time for yourself


The Body Care Edit

Take time for yourself with small rituals to come back to your center


Take Some Time

We talk a lot about self care these days and I always distinguish between self-care and self caring. To me, the first is about the psychological decisions around protecting your energy, while self-caring acts can be small rituals focused on caring for our bodies and minds. We are all super busy and many life stresses, but having a little ritual, a little moment in time, where you pay attention your wants or needs in a focused way, can be that little gift to bring you back to your centre - allowing you to return later to all the directions you are being pulled in.

Indulging in some extra care during your shower can be enough! I love my skincare, but bath and body care is just so luscious and I recommend treating yourself! It doesn’t have to be much or big, but just taking in the scents and textures of your favourite bath and body products can help calm and re-energise at the same time. I love listening to a motivational podcast at the same time!

I love either refilling at my local zero-waste shop, or getting larger formats, up to 5L to refill with. I often buy these online in the UK at The Ethical Superstore. You could also go far solid bar options, which I have not included here as there are so many!

TOP TIPS: My skin is notoriously dry, I use body butters or often mix a body lotion with body oil for extra hydration. Sometimes I apply an oil like La Eva Jasmin oil to damp skin before exiting the shower and drying off. Mauli Rituals Bath Salts and Sleep Range ( more on Mauli Here) are soooo relaxing. Neals Yard Remedies are a constant in my bathroom and have been for many years, from the bath oils, through to hand lotions! And if you are olive toned like me- and winter has got our skin going green, try the Evolve Organics Sunless Tan for a little warmth!

Please get in touch if I can help you find what you are looking for - watch the inspiriation video here.

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